I am an executor of a will that has left part of a house to someone and then divides up the remaining estate between three other beneficiaries i.e. four beneficiaries in total.
To calculate the IHT due the value of the house portion, plus the residual estate, minus allowances, will result in the IHT figure.
My question is (given that nothing states it in the will), is does the person who inherits the part of the house become liable for a proportion of the IHT bill?
For example:
Say the house portion was worth £100,000 and the remainder of the estate (investments, deposits etc) £300,000.
IHT would be £400,000 - £325,000 (allowance no RNRB) = £75,000 *40% = £30,000
So do the beneficiaries of the residual estate inherit £90,00 each - as £10,000 is their portion of the IHT bill
Is the IHT burden split with the person who inherited the house and they must raise that money to pay in to the estate for distribution
i.e. £7,500 being one quarter of the tax due?
If there are any UK GOV examples of such I would be most interested in link or similar articles etc.
Many thanks in advance.
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