Hi, my father-in-law is looking to dispose of Tesco shares in near future and I think his base cost of using the closing price after the special dividend and 15:19 consolidation is not quite correct, his cash amount is correct and was dealt with. Apologies for this old subject.
He had 6000 cert 5p shares at 344.60p for total cost of £ 20,676.02 prior to the action by Tesco.
Share Consolidation of 15 new for 19 existing and Special Dividend of 50.93p per existing share.
Believe Mid-price on 15-Feb-2021 to be 245.43 - 239.80 = 242.615p
Closing was 244.35p
Calculation to get revised base cost of new shares:
6000 gives 4736 new shares
Cash 6000 x 50.93p = 3055.80
So believe final calc to be
( 4736 x 242.615 )
[ -------------------------------------------- x 20,676.02 ] + 3,055.80
(( 4736 x 242.615 ) + 3,055.80 )
[ ------------------- x 20,676.02 ] + 3,055.80 = 19,388.49 so new base per share is £ 4.0938
The 3,055.80 was put against against CGT dividend allowance of 2000.
Please can
a) the mid price be confirmed
b) is the calculation method correct, if not can the correct be given?
Based Tesco share price of approx 311p presently he has a loss which would be useful to use prior to next budget.
Was just going to do prior cost of 20676.02 less 3,055.08 giving 17,620.94 thus divided by 4736 is base cost of £ 3.7206 per share but believe apportionment is covered in the above calculation.
Have ignored fractional
PS: Does anyone have the 31 March 1982 share price for Great Universal Stores. I am expecting some more of these along with 1965 requests. Tried to find a copy of Tolley's for 1982 prior to formal requests elsewhere.
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