on 11/02/2025 05:25, by StampDog1234
My in laws have lived in their current family for the last 20 years. They paid £200k for it. It is now up for sale for £400k+.
Another house came up for same locally in a very nice area and they want to buy it as they rarely come up, they were are in a position ... Continue Reading
on 10/02/2025 23:08, by wilko73
I've recently lost my mothers so will be filling out probate forms,this got me thinking I wonder if my mother actually did probate for my late father that died over 25 years ago.i'm thinking that if she hadn't it's going to complicate things greatly.The family ... Continue Reading
on 10/02/2025 20:33, by Suzoc
Hi. My mother died in Ireland last year. Her property had already been sold to pay for her care. Probate is now complete but before the solicitor in Ireland will release funds to me she has asked for me to obtain a letter from an accountant or tax adviser to show ... Continue Reading
on 10/02/2025 10:12, by langtonbrow
What are the rules on using capital to maintain a property (say renovating an existing greenhouse, re-provisioning a pond etc.) whilst simultaneously gifting out of income? Is it expected that the maintenance would need to come from income and potentially ... Continue Reading
on 10/02/2025 08:16, by wilko73
Hi folks my mother has just passed away which of course is very upsetting in itself but I'm not thrown in to worry about about probate.My father passed away in 1999 but transferred the house in 1995 as he had cancer and I suppose he was trying to protect mum.I ... Continue Reading
on 09/02/2025 23:17, by paulnotcluedup
I'd be really grateful for advice on gifts made out of capital savings - not out of income.
I received a significant windfall from the sale of an asset. CGT was paid on this.
I went on to gift the post-tax profit to my wife. I understood there to be ... Continue Reading
on 09/02/2025 11:54, by Trefor
I recently took the full 25% tax free lump sum from my pension plus an additional sum of £17,709, an amount that took my taxable income for the year up to but not above the 40% threshold. However, the tax deducted from this was £6,347.25, a 35.8% tax rate not ... Continue Reading
on 08/02/2025 19:23, by doobrey
Would be grateful for informed comment on the following scenario -
I own two properties (Property A and Property B) in my own name, and have an SPV Ltd Co. I remortgage Property A and transfer the proceeds to my company as a Director's Loan. The company then buys ... Continue Reading